Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I have Peppers!

I didn't have much hope for my green and red bell pepper plants. With the unusually cool weather we had this year I didn't think I'd actually have any. But, the past week has been unseasonably hot and I just noticed these small peppers growing. It seems funny to me because the entire plant isn't much more than a foot tall. If the peppers grow to full size, it'll look very lopsided. Its hard to tell size in the picture, but both peppers (I have one per plant at the moment) are slightly smaller than a ping pong ball.

The corn is really starting to grow now.....well at least the stalk is. I haven't seen any corn yet, but Gavin has been oohing and aahing over the stalk that is shooting into the air. Its weird how they are not growing uniformly. The one is quite taller than the others. Not sure if that one is just getting more water or has a little better soil around it or what. Kind of weird! Oh, and that bushy plant next to the corn is my yellow squash. It, too, is off to a slow start, but I finally saw one small squash growing just the other day. Last year I had so much squash we didn't know what to do with it all. Its just been a rough year for produce!


Miriam said...

Wow!! They look great! Just yesterday I was walking in the neighborhood and I stopped to look at the community garden by St Matthew's church and I noticed an eggplant plant. I had never seen one before
and they were so cute and beautiful looking. I might just try of those.
I am getting ready for my garden for next year. I am thinking about following the Lasagna Garden method.
Also Kelly and I are working on making the worm bed into a compost. It's good to have Kelly here she really encourages me to much kitchen scrapes into the compost. There is alot more to it though.

Miriam said...

I also wanted to comment about your stakes. What a nice stake! I will have to find out where you got those!

Connie said...

Hi Krista - Nice peppers...I hope they fatten up nice and big for you. We normally have hot summers, but this year has been unusually cool, so my peppers haven't produced much...only one or two peppers per plant. They've set new blossoms, so hopefully if the weather stays warm long enough I will get a few more.
Your saute from the last post looks delicious!

Nathan said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. Lovely peppers. I don't have any yet but I'm hoping for some soon.

Krista said...

Oh, ya, the stakes are the cheap 96-cent stakes at Home Depot....I got the cheapest ones they had and they've worked pretty nicely.

DP Nguyen said...

Congrats on the peppers and the corn looks nice too. Wait until you can pick it. It is so delicious. We ate two rows of homegrown corn recently, and I am so hungry for more! :-)